Iselin Dock Replacement at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

  • Project Description
  • Scope of Work

Preliminary design contract for Iselin Dock Replacement at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution at Woods Hole, MA. The design is for complete removal and replacement of the existing dock facility including pile supports, decking, bulkheads, boat lifts, floating docks and dredging. Construction value is potentially between $50 and $100 million depending on the final scope choices by WHOI.

CXC provided cost estimating assistance to Moffatt & Nichol as they prepared a 30% preliminary design submission to the WHOI. CXC confirmed construction pricing on several aspects of the project including mobilization, access, pile driving, precast concrete decking, precast concrete bulkheads, floating docks, dredging, and various other aspects of the dock replacement.